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It is Our Job to Help You

About US

Our Story and Welcome

Stan Cherednik -

Stan started working on Carnival Cruise line in 1993 playing the Saxophone. After that he was a member of the United States Naval Academy band, the Jazz Guardians Big Band in Atlanta GA, appeared at the Kennedy Center leading his own jazz quartet, performed as a freelance musician with Johnny Mathis, Mary Wilson of the Supremes, Marvin Hamlisch, as well as many other jazz and salsa groups over the years.


Sputy Entertainment -

Becoming a musical agent was a natural transition. However, Sputy Entertainment was born out of necessity while an injury prevented Stan from playing his Saxophone. In fact, it literally sprang from an "overheard." A fellow musician overheard the musical director of a large cruise line saying that what the industry needed was more agents who were also musicians, and suggested Stan to him. The rest as they say is history.

Since that time Sputy Entertainment has become a successful, well respected, and known agency existing and thrivin despite being "old-fashioned" with little more than a hotmail account. (Here's an anecdote: Attempting to post a job opening through a well known conservatory I was surprised when when they didn't want to take our job ad. Apparently, they were required to vet employers before posting their jobs and they could find almost no direct references to us on the web. Well, welcome to the small world of cruise ship entertaining. 

Nevertheless, it was time for us to get with the times and take advantage of all the capabilities the modern web and social networking has to offer. 


Welcome to our website and welcome to Sputy Entertainment!

Washington, DC/Prague, Czech Republic



© 2015 Sputy Entertainment

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